- Don’t sweat the small stuff. Get over it.
- If there’s a moment to go have fun and chill but you’re busy, then please go out and have fun. Work load never finishes. It’s a never ending cycle and you don’t want to be stuck in that cycle. Go out and create memories. Life is indeed short.
- Drink water. Make sure you stay hydrated, it’s important. Super.
- Work with passion and dedication. Do what you love. Even if it takes to sacrifice something, do it. Success will taste amazing later. Hard work pays off basically. Happiness is in your hands!
- Life is sadly an unfair system. Try to sync it in your life.
- Don’t be a suck up, no matter what. Just be true to yourself and the people around you.
- Nothing is more attractive and beautiful than a smile, so cliche but yes it’s the truth!
- No1 will ever care and truly love you like your parents. Always appreciate them and let them know you love them endlessly. As we grow older, we forget they are growing older too, so spend a lot time with them!
- Don’t stay over night. It’s a bad habit. Be a chicken!
- You are what you present of your religion and parents. Don’t be a rebel. Have some manners. Manners are actually hard to maintain, so it’s very unique and special when someone has them.
- Friends come and go. Only a few people will stick around and those are the real G, so treasure and appreciate them. Make sure you surround yourself with people whom will lift you and make a good person out of you.
- If you love someone let them know, don’t be afraid to express your love to the people you love.
- Time management is the key! Social medias kill time badly. So watch out.
- Ramadan is once a year shot, make sure you plan it a month before to nail down your goals.
- READ. READ. READ. don’t waste your time on social medias unless you are reading some releases or articles.
- Don’t stress over money, they are just like friends, they come and go. If you like that bag or those pants, buy it. Chances are, next month, it might not be there for you to buy it. Of course, be reasonable with spending money.
- Be social, become a team member of a team/events, this will help you with how to deal with people and learn from people. Life works faster with connections, trust me!
- Expand your friendship with different aged groups and cultures. Helps you see the world from different perspectives and you’ll be able to appreciate the world more.
- Be kind, persistent, challengeable, organized in what you do and whom you deal with.
- Keep trying and trying. Never be afraid to try new things. Practice makes perfect.
- Movies and TV shows are great, but make sure it’s something you’re learning from. Time is precious.
- Leave your house as much as possible, nature is beautiful. Spend it outdoor, play, do sports. Even for a walk, just leave.
- Nothing is impossible. If your boss did it, you surely can do too 🙂